Data Processing and Protection Policy

If you are our customer or a visitor to the website, you entrust us with your personal data. We are responsible for their protection and security. This document contains information regarding the protection of personal data provided by visitors to the above-mentioned website. Please familiarize yourself with the personal data protection policies and your rights under GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679 on data protection).

Who is the controller?
Aequitas Capital Investment a. s., IČO 08906190, with its registered office at Na Bělidle 997/15, 150 00 Prague 5. We process your personal data as the controller, i.e., we determine how personal data will be processed and for what purpose, for how long, and we select any additional processors who will help us with the processing.

Contact details
If you wish to contact us during the processing, you can reach us at the phone number +420 603 937 776 or via email at

We declare that, as the controller of your personal data, we comply with all legal obligations required by applicable legislation, particularly the Data Protection Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on the processing of personal data and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 known as GDPR, and thus: we will process your personal data only on the basis of a valid legal reason, mainly legitimate interest, performance of the contract, legal obligation, or granted consent, we fulfill the information obligation under Article 13 of GDPR before the start of personal data processing, we will allow you and support you in exercising and fulfilling your rights under the Data Protection Act and GDPR.

Types of personal data collected
Personal data may fall into the category of „common personal data“ or it may be a special category of data, i.e., sensitive data, for which legal regulations set stricter conditions for processing.

1. Common personal data we process:
Name, surname, address, other delivery addresses if applicable, IČO, DIČ (only for entrepreneurs), phone number, email, IP address, cookies, other information necessary for fulfilling the contract (mainly the content of the contract and the subject of performance), photos from our live meetings and educational events you attended, and video recordings from these events.

2. Special category of personal data („sensitive“) personal data we process:
We do not process sensitive personal data.

Scope of personal data and purposes of processing
We process personal data that you voluntarily and personally entrust to us for the following legal reasons (and to fulfill these purposes):

Providing services, concluding, and fulfilling the contract
We necessarily need your personal data within the scope: name and surname, email, phone, billing information, information about the content of the contract and the subject of performance to conclude and fulfill the contract.

We need your personal data within the scope: name and surname, email, phone, and the text of the message you enter in the contact form on our website to contact you based on your message.

Accounting, fulfilling obligations from tax and other legal regulations
If you are customers, we process your personal data within the scope: name, surname, email, phone, billing information, subject of the provided performance to comply with the legal obligation for issuing and recording tax documents, as well as other obligations arising from applicable legal regulations (particularly in the field of accounting, tax law, and archiving). The period during which the data are processed is directly determined by the relevant legal regulations that impose the obligation to process them.

Marketing – sending newsletters
We use your personal data (name, surname, email), the content you click on in the email, and when you most often open it, for direct marketing purposes – sending commercial messages. If you are our customer, we do so based on a legitimate interest, as we reasonably assume that you are interested in our news, for 5 years from the last order. If you are not our customer, we send you newsletters only based on your consent, for 5 years from the granting of consent. In both cases, you can withdraw this consent using the unsubscribe link in each sent email.

Advanced marketing based on consent
Only based on your consent can we also send you inspiring articles, third-party offers, or use your email address for remarketing and ad targeting on Facebook, for 5 years from the granting of consent. Of course, you can withdraw consent at any time through our contact details or in each such email.

Legitimate interest – protection and proof of rights and legal claims
This mainly involves rights and claims from concluded contracts or caused harm. For these purposes, we process personal data for 5 years after the end of contractual cooperation or our last contact if no contract was concluded. This period is set with regard to the limitation periods of claims, considering that we may not immediately learn of a claim asserted in court. For these purposes, data from orders, contracts, related documentation, and our mutual communication are stored.

Photographic and video documentation – live events and training
Only based on your consent can we take photos and video recordings of you as a participant during training to be used for video documentation and photo documentation of the training on the website and in our promotional materials. You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time later by sending an email to our email address or a letter to the delivery address mentioned above in our contact details. No additional personal data will be included with the photos and recordings unless we explicitly agree.


Security and protection of personal data
We protect personal data to the maximum possible extent using modern technologies that correspond to the level of technical development. We protect it as if it were our own. We have adopted and maintain all possible (currently known) technical and organizational measures to prevent misuse, damage, or destruction of your personal data.

Disclosure of personal data to third parties
We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personally identifiable information to third parties. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our website or conducting our business if those parties agree to keep this information confidential.

Thus, our collaborators have access to your personal data. To ensure specific processing operations that we cannot provide by ourselves, we use the services and applications of processors who can protect data even better than we can and specialize in this processing. They are providers of the following platforms:

Analytical and marketing tools
Google Analytics – website traffic statistics
Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Facebook Pixel
Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA

Marketing and customer support
Facebook – social network
Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland, VAT IE9692928F

This list may not be exhaustive, and providers may change in the future. If we decide to use additional applications or processors in the future to facilitate and improve processing, we promise that in such a case we will impose at least the same security and processing quality requirements on the processors as we do on ourselves. We enter into personal data processing contracts with all external processors in accordance with applicable legislation.

Personal data will also be made available to the relevant administrative authorities if such an obligation is imposed on us by law (i.e., particularly in the case of inspections where the authority is authorized to require the submission of personal data).

Data transfer outside the European Union
All processing of personal data will be carried out within the EU.

Your rights in connection with personal data protection
You have a number of rights in connection with personal data protection. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us via email at

You have the right to information, which is fulfilled by this information page with personal data processing policies. Thanks to the right of access to personal data, you can ask us at any time, and we will provide you with evidence within 30 days of what personal data we process and why. If anything changes for you or you find your personal data outdated or incomplete, you have the right to supplement and correct personal data. You can exercise the right to restrict processing in the cases specified in Article 18 GDPR, i.e., if you believe we are processing inaccurate data, you believe we are processing data unlawfully, but you do not want to delete all data, or if you have raised an objection to processing. You can limit the scope of personal data or purposes of processing. (For example, by unsubscribing from a newsletter, you limit the purpose of processing for sending commercial messages.)

In cases where personal data is processed for legitimate interests, you have the right to object to such processing, and we will no longer process the data unless our legitimate interest prevails over your interests or rights and freedoms. If the legitimate interest is direct marketing, raising an objection always results in the termination of further processing for direct marketing purposes.

Right to data portability
If you want to take your personal data and transfer it to someone else under the conditions set out in Article 20 GDPR, we will proceed in the same way as for the right of access – with the difference that we will provide the information in a machine-readable format. Here we need at least 30 days.

Right to erase personal data (right to be „forgotten“)
Your next right is the right to erasure (to be „forgotten“), if the conditions of Article 17 GDPR are met. We do not want to forget you, but if you wish, you have the right. In such a case, we will delete all your personal data from our system and from the system of all sub-processors and backups. We need 30 days to ensure the right to erasure.

In some cases, we are bound by a legal obligation, e.g., we must keep issued tax documents for the period specified by law. In this case, we will delete all such personal data that is not bound by another law. We will inform you about the completion of the erasure via email.

Complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection
If you feel that we are not handling your data in accordance with the law, you have the right to file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection at any time. We would be very happy if you first inform us of this suspicion so that we can do something about it and rectify any mistakes. You can find more information about the office and personal data protection directly on the office's website

Unsubscribing from newsletters and commercial messages
We send emails with inspiration, articles, products, and services to you if you are our customer based on our legitimate interest. If you are not a customer, we send them to you only based on your consent. In both cases, you can stop receiving our emails by clicking the unsubscribe link in each sent email.

We assure you that our collaborators who will process your personal data are obliged to maintain confidentiality about personal data and security measures, the disclosure of which would jeopardize the security of your personal data. This confidentiality persists even after the end of our contractual relationships. Your personal data will not be disclosed to any other third party without your consent unless such an obligation is imposed directly by law or an immediately binding EU regulation.

Other important information for exercising your rights
If you have any further questions about the processing of your personal data with us, you can contact us via email at By sending a message to this email or by sending a written request to our address, you can also directly exercise your rights mentioned in this document. Please note that for the purpose of verifying that the request is made directly by you, we may contact you and reasonably verify your identity and request.

The current version of this document can always be found on the website

These personal data processing policies are effective from May 1, 2021.